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Demarest Kill Park

New City

Rockland County

10956, Park, New City, NY, Wildlife at Demarest Kill Park, Things to Do at Demarest Kill Park, 
Fishing, Hiking / Walking, Nature study, Picnicking Demarest Kill Park

Demarest Kill Park, a 30-acre park, is located at 57 New Hempstead Road, New City, NY 10956 in Rockland County. The park offers 30 acres of land that is heavily wooded with a mature stand of hardwood trees primarily composed of oaks, maples, ash, hickory, tulip and sycamore. The site contains federal wetlands that include a 2.5 acre pond, the Demarest Kill Stream and its tributaries.

Wildlife at Demarest Kill Park
"Coyote and Red Fox (occasional), White-tailed Deer, Muskrat, Opossum, Skunk, Rabbit, Sunfish, Large-mouth Bass, Brown Trout, Perch, Pickerel and over 100 species of birds have been observed."

Press blue button for source of information, wildlife information and more about Demarest Kill Park, including parking, directions, future plans and wildlife on record.

Things To Do at Demarest Kill Park
Fishing (Wooden fishing station) *
Hiking / Walking
Nature study
Parking *
Picnicking *

Wheelchair Accessible*
Accessible indicates that, to the extent practicable, this facility or activity meets the Americans with disabilities Act accessibility standards. It is strongly recommended that you contact the facility in advance for a full description of facilities.

Location: New City

Fishing | New City Fishing | Rockland Fishing | Hudson Valley
Hiking Trails | New City Places To Hike | Rockland Hiking Trails | Hudson Valley
Nature Hikes | New City Outings for Kids | Rockland Nature Hikes | Hudson Valley
Parks | New City Local and State | Rockland Parks | Hudson Valley
Picnicking | New City Picnic | Rockland Picnicking | Hudson Valley
Wheelchair Accessible | New City Wheelchair Accessible | Rockland Wheelchair Accessible | Hudson Valley

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